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"I am the people in We the people. I want what everyone else wants. To live in a community where there are job opportunities that pay a wage that we can live on. I want us to remember our elderly that paved the way for us, but are now struggling to pay bills and keep up with technology. I want our children to get a good education and fair shot in life. I want higher education to be more affordable. I want us as a community to have the audacity to stand up for our children, not elect public officials that vote for cutting our education budget. Shouldn’t we be investing in our children? Yet hundreds of Kentucky’s children become abuse statistics every day. I am a concerned person who gets weary when I hear that Mercer County has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the State. I am concerned that the voice of the community voice is not being heard or represented by elected officials. I am running because there are people in District 55, some of whom are homeless children, that don’t have a safe place to go. One of the top five calls to our local police departments involves domestic violence and yet we don’t have a domestic violence shelter or a safe haven for our community. How in the midst of a substance abuse epidemic are we not offering a rehab clinic? KAP isn’t cutting it. I am burdened that we call ourselves Christians and yet our voice is being silenced daily because we are so afraid of speaking up just to not offend others. I am grieved that we are turning a blind eye, but it’s Time to Put Kentuckians First. As your Representative of District 55 I will that be that voice that cries out in the wilderness because I am the people and we are the people."

We live in the era of global awareness but local community participation is lower than ever.  The more we “outreach” our resources to other places, the less attention we give to our home. I think it is imperative to have a heart for others who are less fortunate and we don’t have to go overseas, on foreign mission trips, or other states’ soil to find those in need. Many of our children right in our own back yard are hungry or don’t have clothes to wear. Many of our elderly have homes that need repair work but they don’t have the resources. Somewhere along the line we have forgotten who our neighbor is. The parable of the Good Samaritan still rings true. The burdens of our community are ours to bear. We must get engaged. We must bridge the gap. We must volunteer and pool our resources to focus on putting Kentuckians first.


The law of sewing and reaping is a universal law that has been around since the beginning of time. Why are we not investing in our most valuable asset, our children? Education cuts can no longer be tolerated. More affordable higher education must become our priority. Rehabilitation education must be addressed. I am tired of seeing Kentucky on the bottom of the education list. It’s time to put Kentuckians First.  


You don’t have to live in an inner city to encounter homelessness or the need for safe place. The legacy I want to leave is a type of shelter that addresses the three big issues of homelessness, domestic violence, and drug abuse. Lady Liberty says through Emma Lazarus “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Can we be a community like that? We need a place where our citizens can find the resources to turn their life around.

We're In This Together

What are you passionate about? What are your concerns? Because I want to know. Invite me to come speak, to visit your school, or home, or job, or organization. Get involved - Click here.

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