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“To whom much is given, much is required...”

Luke 12:48

I come from modest beginnings. If no one else understands that the "struggle is real", I do! But that doesn't change the fact that I need your help to get the message of "Putting Kentuckians First" to the masses. Any amount you can give WILL help and NO amount is too small. By law, the maximum donation is $1,000 per individual.


District 55 covers Mercer, Washington, and a portion on Jessamine Counties. It certainly is going to take more than word-of-mouth and Facebook for this race. Your donations will be used for signs, radio ads, media, mailers, etc.


Thank you in advance for the financial seeds that you will sew into our future. Together we can win! Help me in this election journey by contributing what has been laid on your heart to give. Lets move mountains together!

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